Course Syllabus

US-China Relations and Technology Course Syllabus.pdf

The course led by Professor Doug Guthrie on US-China relations and technology delves into the impact of China's rise as a global economic power and the intertwined relationship between the US and China in the technological sphere. Here are the key points covered in the text:

  • Topics include the trade war, corporate governance, and China's Belt and Road Initiative.
  • Readings touch on democracy, human rights, and China's economic growth levels.
  • Discusses Biden's tariffs and trips to China, TSMC in Phoenix, and China's global presence.
  • Reading materials cover areas such as social media and renewable energy in China.
  • Provides information on computer requirements for the course and a copyright policy for course content.

The course emphasizes deepening students' understanding of the geopolitics of economic development in both countries and equipping them with analytical tools to navigate US-China relations in the business world. Key cases highlighted include Apple in China, TikTok in the US, and TSMC in Phoenix, showcasing the geopolitical issues involved.

The syllabus includes:

  • Required readings and discussions
  • Opportunities for students to engage with current events
  • Submission of an optional term paper analyzing a management or business issue in Asia (selected papers may be published on the OGL website)

The course aims to promote critical thinking, knowledge of global regions, ethical decision-making, and effective research skills among participants to foster a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between the US and China in the realm of technology and business.

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